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Forums Now Available!

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Forums are now available on SMITE HQ. Ask questions, post about SMITE content (patches, bugs, sales, events) or anything outside of SMITE (as long as you’re courteous). You can vote a post or comment up or down, add images, and so forth. You can set up a post looking for other gamers to grind with or promote your streams. Anything goes, though posts will be administered to prevent any harmful and offensive content from seeing the light of day.

1.) Register an account on SMITE HQ. Click on the icon shown below and a pop-up will appear. Here, you can click on Register, below “Lost your password?”, to create an account. If you already have an account, just enter your credentials.
Instruction 1

2.) Head on over to Forums on the main menu.

3.) Click on the button that reads “Ask a question” to start or simply look at other posts and answer them. You must be logged in to do so.

Hopefully the forums will be a new medium for all of you to use and find helpful! Enjoy!

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